Plant Information

1. Fact file of the plant

Location San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Operator Sanpedro360
Startup 08/01/2011
Modules Schott Solar GmbH MONO 185
Parameters Island solution with memory 48V 1200Ah (57,6 kWh capacity)
Panels: 3 Strings with 9 modules each at 185 Wpeak with an inclination of 45 degree to North (currently optimized for high profits in winter)
Performance of the plant 5,0 kWpeak (27x185 Wpeak under standard conditions - 1000 W\m² solar irradiation, module temperature 25°C)

2. Components and their function

Component Type Function
Inverter Sunny Mini Central 4600A Converts the direct current from the photocells into alternating current if required by the system
Network Generator
Sunny Island 5048 Distributes energy needs between the living unit and the battery block
Sensor Sunny Sensorbox Measures irradiated energy, surrounding´s temperature , module´s temperature, wind´s velocity
Web Box Sunny WebBox Data lugger, mailing of the data to Sunnyportal (SMA) for visualization and to the server of the company Buechting + Streit for further evaluation

3. The solar plant has been built up by

Martin Rihs, tour guide in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile > and Thomas Junker, engineering office for embedded systems, k-technik, Solothurn, Switzerland >